Have you ever wondered how you are able to send instant messages to your friends, quickly access information, and carry out countless activities on the Internet? If you don’t know, let’s explore it.
What is Internet?
Before we understand about the Internet, let first understand What is a network?
A network is a group of connected computers that are able to send data to each other. A computer network can be thought of like a social circle, where group of people who knows each other can reguarly exchange information and can communicate to each other.
Now, the Internet is a vast collection of networks that connect to each other.
How does the Internet work?
The Internet works by sending data between computes, devices and servers all around the world. There are two main concepts that are fundamental to the way internet functions:
Packets are the smallest unit of data into which the data is divided for the transmission over the network. Each packets contains:
The sender’s address
The recipient’s address
The actual data (a piece of the total information)
How Packets work?
When you send data (like an image, text or video) over the Internet, it is first broken down into the small packets, which are then translated into the bits.
Now, these packets travel individually to there destination.
At the destination, the packets are reassembled into the original data.
Why use Packets?
The following are some of the benefits of using packets:
Packets make our data transmission reliable and efficient. Now, instead of sending the large file, we can send it to the destination in the smaller packets which improves our transmission rates.
Different paths can be used to route packets to their destination. This process is known as packet switching.
If an error occurs, the packets can be stored and retransmitted later.
Packets use the best route available for delivery. This enables them to be routed across congested parts of the network without slowing them down in a specific spot.
Connecting two computers that uses different hardware and software and then establish a stable connection between them so that they can effectively communicate to each other is still a major challenge that need to be solve. This problem is solved by protocols.
Protocols are standardized rules that ensure all devices on the Internet can communicate effectively.
Types of Protocols
IP (Internet Protocol): IP is responsible for sending packets from one network to another.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): TCP ensures that every packets arrive in the correct order and also checks whether all are received or not.
HTTP/HTTPS: This protocol is used for formatting and transmitting data on the web, enabling browsers to request and display web pages.
DNS (Domain Name System): DNS translates user-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses.
Physical Infrastructure that makes Internet works
The infrastructure plays a major role in making the Internet works for everyone. Some of the most important types include the following:
A router is a device that connects two or more packet-switched networks or subnetworks. It serves two primary functions: managing traffic between these networks by forwarding data packets to there intended IP addresses and allowing multiple devices to use the same Internet connection.
A network switch connects devices within a local network (LAN) and forwards data only to the specific device for which it is meant for, ensuring efficient communication between devices like computers, routers, or other switches.
Web Servers
Web servers are high-powered computers that store and serve content (webpages, images, videos) over the internet. Servers also respond to DNS queries and perform other important tasks to keep the Internet up and running. Most servers are kept in large data centers, which are located throughout the world.
Why it matter’s
The Internet is the backbone of today's world. It powers education and economy, supports our health and well-being and it also connects us to the world. High-speed Internet doesn't just help individuals it also helps our country. It saves us time and money. It creates jobs and opportunities. And it helps us connect to one another, building a stronger, more free society.
In conclusion, the internet makes our lives easier and more connected. Understanding how it works helps us use it better and see why it’s so important in our everyday world.